Alaric continues to act out his hatred towards vampires and those who are siding with them in the next episode of "The Vampire Diaries". The vampire hunter pays Elena a visit at school and tries to kill her by choking her on the hallway. Damon brings Bonnie who has a bloody neck to Stefan, while Klaus confronts the younger Salvatore, "You're asking me to walk into a certain death?"
In "Before Sunset" that airs May 3, Klaus acts on his intentions to leave town with Elena, but finds resistance from a surprising new enemy. Bonnie calls on Abby (guest star Persia White) to help her with a difficult spell, and she, along with Jeremy, takes a terrifying risk to make sure her spell is effective.
The third season of the series will end in "The Departed" that promises an answer to the ultimate question of Elena's choice between Damon and Stefan. "It will not be easy. It will be very emotional for both sides because it's going to be a very honest, very pure, very difficult decision," executive producer Julie Plec said.