Monday, April 2, 2012

HuffPo bloggers' law suit rejected

arianna-huffington_1942169c The writers argued they deserved compensation for their hard work, despite always knowing their efforts would not be financially rewarded.

They argued their contributions had led in part to the website’s success, and that they deserved a proportion of the proceeds after it sold to AOL for $315m.

One writer, Jonathan Tasini, launched a law suit in April 2011 on behalf of the estimated 9,000 Huffington Post bloggers, demanding a payment of $105m to split between them.

It has now been rejected “with prejudice” by US District Judge John Koeltl, meaning it cannot be brought again.

He ruled the writers had been fully aware the work was unpaid and that any payment in hindsight would go against this agreement.

He wrote: “No one forced the plaintiffs to give their work to the Huffington Post for publication and the plaintiffs candidly admit that they did not expect compensation.

“The plaintiffs entered into their transactions with the defendants with full knowledge of the facts and no expectation of compensation other than exposure.

“In such circumstances, equity and good conscience counsel against retroactively altering the parties' clear agreements.”

Tasini, who wrote more than 200 columns for the Huffington Post before it was sold, has now vowed to continue his fight for compensation.

He told a newspaper: “We're using the lawsuit to spark a movement and an organising effort among bloggers to set a standard for the future because this idea that all individual creators should work for free is like a cancer spreading through every media property on the globe.”

The HuffPo, founded by Arianna Huffington and Ken Lerer in 2005, has always rejected criticism it exploited its contributors, who write on a variety of subjects and are generally left-wing liberals.

It claims that its bloggers use the site as a “platform to connect and ensure that their ideas and views are seen by as many people as possible”.

Tasini has said previously: “In my view, the Huffington Post’s bloggers have essentially been turned into modern-day slaves on Arianna Huffington’s plantation.

“She wants to pocket the tens of millions of dollars she reaped from the hard work of those bloggers.”

The Telegraph

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